Sports events

We will individually tailor sports events to the requirements, corporate values and culture of your company and your team.
We supply everything required for the organizing of sports events for your company – starting from the event planning and strategy, selection of venue, transport, catering, planning of the sports activities up to the award ceremony and party in the evening.
We will add special atmosphere and fun to your sports events with various themes of the event.
We plan and implement innovative sports events activities where your team will have to use different skills, creativity and logic.
Listen to your employees – consider what they want in this event:
RELAX – 40
After this survey don’t only consider the majorities vote – in this case just one third of the team will do what they enjoy. To the maximum extent tailor sports event in a way that largest part of the team (desirably everyone) will find quality time spending options.
You can tailor all activities selected by employees to achieve your goals with the help of game elements.
We develop the sports event plan to reach the personnel policies of your company and comply with your values.
You work side by side your colleagues in the office every day but do you really know what they are capable of? Probably not, but you can change it easily! To get to know your colleagues and strengthen the team spirit you need to change your environment – step out of the comfort zone and usual work tasks! Challenge yourself and your team to do something for the first time using various skills, creativity and wit – spending time together in the sports event of the team.
During the last three years a new trend has emerged – companies demand different type of sports events. If previously sports event included only sports and usually classical sports games – volleyball, soccer, classic relay-race and individual sports, then currently companies are opting more for the “festival type sports event”, incorporating not only sports activities but also creative workshops and master classes, training and lectures.
Feeling the changing trend of sports events and increasing popularity of “festival type” events also the Director General of Employer’s Confederation of Latvia
Līga Meņģelsone tells: “We are truly delighted that sports events have become an anticipated tradition among the business companies of Latvia gathering more and more participants every year.
Therefore this year we decided to open the sports festival “Bizfests” that provides the team building and team motivation possibilities in the positive environment. We spend a very significant part of our life in our work environment, so it is essential to develop good relations that improves the team spirit. Novelties in the labor market also demonstrate that employees are appreciating the internal environment and atmosphere in the work place more and more.”
We can say that these events have taken a more democratic approach. One trend observed – during the recent years companies are switching from sports events on weekends with the families of employees to events during weekdays for employees only. Companies are becoming increasingly aware of the significance of sports events in team building, boosting of employee motivation and reaching of common goals as a united team. We tailor every sports event to the particular company – selecting the content, values and communication important for the company in the building of the employer’s reputation, personnel planning and improving of public image.
Aija Bite-Ozere is the Head of Human Resources in the large company Tele2 where half of the team works in the office in Riga and second half in 21 town together in 39 centers, she tells that every year employees eagerly wait for the annual events and are aware of their value and importance. “Story of the employer is created from two parts – internal and external communication. Internal communication is created by the stories employee tells about his/her company that impacts the external image of the company in the most profound way. To have employees who are the ambassadors of the company values and culture is a great value. Therefore we organize a range of events or activities to make our employees feel satisfied and good at their workplace as a result company is able to exceed the set goals and targets.”
Aija Bite-Ozere mentions team building events as one of these activities where it is of less importance who wins but greater emphasis is placed on cooperation and spending time together.
So everyone could participate and feel equal in the challenges. People get to know each other better, thus fostering mutual communication and interpersonal relations. It is reflected further in everyday communication allowing it to reach the next level as colleagues have gotten to know each other better and now they can also work more productively.
“Second goal is to lead employees in the direction of the values of the company bringing them closer to these values and allowing to understand them better, and further passing these values to the families of employees and general public.
Third goal is to incorporate company vision and strategy into each event to renew it.”
This creates an understanding that we are living and working in frame of our values, these are not just words on some signs and posters. These events serve also as a tool of internal communication, for example, we integrate our latest products in the events so employees would get to know products and experiences we are offering to our customers,” explains Aija Bite-Ozere, Head of Human Resources, Tele2.
Also CEO of Ilmārs Šukjurovs emphasizes the importance of tailoring each sports event to the particular company – respective content and communication that is important in the reputation building of the employer, personnel planning and public image development.
Aija Bite-Ozere, Head of Human Resources, Tele2 is especially happy about the involvement of new employees in the team building activities, as after the events new employees usually tell her:
“I attended sports event already during my second working week in the company, the colleagues were great, friendly, open and they accepted me immediately.” Employees develop the feeling that they are included in the team and work to reach the common goals and this team becomes very strong – able to do anything.
“With the help of team building events people get to know each other, receive positive vibes and it is a great pleasure for the employer to get positive feedback. People tell that they are happy to meet colleagues as best friends and family. They feel connected to the company and each other. Going home they can surely say – “Yes, I got to know a lot, gained a lot and met new people.”
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