Event marketing

Event marketing – future of communication!
We truly believe that events are communication of future! Why? Because only in the event person is present – “here and now”, we can approach the person through all their senses.
And presence is the most effective way of creating good emotions and connection with your company, brand or product through vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste and intuition.
We will help you to implement vision of the event and reach the set goals.
With further development of the advertising sector, it becomes increasingly difficult for every company to attract the attention of public, media and potential customers.
Event marketing is one of the best ways how to pleasantly surprise the audience – with real events, emotions and added value to the world.
We will make sure your events are successful and serve as excellent tools of communication.
Why #YouthEmpowered?
We believe in the potential of young people – they are our future leaders!
Nevertheless, not all young people have equal opportunities to fulfill their potential.
How #YouthEmpowered works?
By approaching young people and talking to them in a simple and understandable way during workshops and online.
What does #YouthEmpowered do?
We provide valuable networking possibilities and give knowledge to support young people on their way to important career growth.
During inspiring workshops we provide skills tailored to the current labor market, economic and technological situation, as well as foster dialogue in social networks.
#YouthEmpowered is an international project of Coca-Cola HBC in 28 countries with the purpose to promote youth employment.
In Latvia project is implemented in cooperation with the Employer’s Confederation of Latvia (LDDK).
Project started in 2017 and we are continuing to implement it up to now.
Learn more about the project here: FACEBOOK
ELKO conference MeetUP 2019: successful business needs technologies and reliable partnership.
In 24 May technology conference ELKO MeetUP 2019 took place this year bringing together more than 250 cooperation partners, customers and representatives of the IT sector from the Baltic region and Poland.
Conference slogan was “Better together” reflecting the importance of strengthening of cooperation and human relations – technologies are a driving force but you need reliable partnership to successfully develop your business and reach excellent results.
More about the project: ELKO.lv
We will make sure that trade shows and conferences serve as an excellent event marketing for you!
European Union communications projects
We, EventAgency.lv, are part of the international “Ultra European Network” network bringing together communications specialists from all around Europe to work with large scale communications projects globally. Nature of this association is to create possibilities for small and medium-sized communications companies to be the main players in the international communications market.
Since 2017 we have implemented more than 200 projects on the European Union level.
Including for the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, European Border and Coast Guard Agency, Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications, OiRA (Online Interactive Risk Assessment) project promotion in Latvia, NAPO promotion in Latvia and other projects of the public significance.
Corporate events, conferences, incentives, team-building, marketing & PR events
EventAgency.lv – full service event management company!